Spring Clean Your Wellness Routine

The sun is shining, birds are singing, and flowers are blossoming, the sunset room garage is open πŸ‘€β€‹β€‹ ! 

With warmer weather starting to make an appearance, now can be a great time to do some spring cleaning of your wellness routine.

While spring cleaning may generally be associated with cleaning your home or bringing out that colored filed spring closet (which isn’t a bad idea either!), spring cleaning your wellness routine can help boost your motivation to continue working towards the goals that you have set for yourself. Doing a refresh of your wellness routine can help you eliminate things that aren’t working as well as incorporate new things (aka joining the top rated festival themed group fitness studio ~ GLOW Fitness).

Below are a few ways that you can bring that spring cleaning mindset to your wellness routine.

πŸ’– Reflect on Your Current State: When you think about your current state of wellness - how do you feel about it? Maybe you feel awesome about crushing those 6:00am BodyPump classes, but your goal of daily journaling hasn’t caught on. Maybe social wellness is doing great for you thanks to making time for new friends (we see you, AfterParty!), but you haven’t been able to stick with post-workout recovery. Reflecting on where you are now can help you decide where your spring cleaning efforts should be focused.

πŸ’– Streamline and Simplify: We tend to be ambitious at the start of the year as we think about all of the things we want to accomplish, which is wonderful, but now that the year is well underway, what can you streamline and simplify? Can you streamline your goals by habit stacking? Maybe you take a class at GLOW to workout and socialize at the same time! Or maybe you do breathwork during your red light therapy session! Can you simplify by meditating every Tuesday and Thursday morning, knowing that works best for you and your schedule? Finding ways to make your wellness habits easier to build can ensure they happen.

πŸ’– Incorporate Seasonal Touches: Each time a new season begins, it is a perfect chance to incorporate new things associated with that season into your wellness routine. Are there fresh fruits that you can start to add to your recipes (strawberry season is upon us)? Can you take some of the wellness activities that you enjoy like journaling or a nice walk at the art museum in Raleigh following your Sound Healing Sunday at GLOW?? Maybe even enjoying the warm weather by taking a Saturday morning cycle followed by brunch with friends? Taking advantage of the things associated with spring like sunshine, seasonal foods and more can help you continue to work on your wellness goals in a new way.

Taking some time with the new season to channel that spring cleaning energy into your wellness routine can help you feel refreshed and energized about your wellness habits. Whether you choose to use one or all of the strategies listed above, taking some time to refresh is a great way to make sure your wellness goals work for you. Also, one of the other great things about these spring cleaning strategies is that you can use them as you approach every new season!

If you want some additional support with setting or sticking to your wellness goals, we offer a free 20-minute health coaching session to all GLOW passholders. I would be thrilled to work with you and you can contact me at amanda@glowraleigh.com to schedule your free session.

We hope spring cleaning your wellness routine helps you bring lots of positive momentum into this spring and beyond!

Amanda, Health & Wellness Coach


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