Finding Balance and Community as a College Student


Are you feeling the pressure of college life weighing you down? 

Let me share a little secret that's helped me navigate the ups and downs of student life at NC State - GLOW Fitness. As a full-time college student, I know firsthand how hectic things can get -  finding a place like GLOW has been such a game-changer for me. It's not just a regular fitness studio or gym, it's a community of like-minded individuals who understand the struggles of balancing life and personal well-being.

What makes GLOW so special? 

Well, for starters, it's the people. The Passholders at GLOW aren't just the best workout buddies, they are friends who cheer you on and support you every step of the way (in the class or just in life). Whether you're sweating it out in a group class or catching up over post-workout chit chats, there's a sense of community that's hard to find anywhere else. But beyond the social aspect, GLOW offers a diverse range of classes and activities that cater to every interest and fitness level. From yoga and barre to cardio and strength training, there's something for everyone here. And let's not forget about the post workout Red Light Therapy and recovery equipment that makes every workout a breeze.

Personally, I've found GLOW to be my go-to place for relaxation and rejuvenation. When I need a break from the stresses of college life, I know I can count on GLOW to provide me with a safe space to unwind and recharge. And speaking of recharging, I can't recommend GLOW's Sound Healing classes enough. Coming into GLOW to take Sound Healing has become a must for me- it's my time to reset for the week ahead or prepare for a busy exam week. Having a place where I can relax, destress, have an amazing workout, blow off steam, and engage with friends makes my days 10x easier and gives me the energy I need to tackle whatever comes my way.

So, if you're looking for a supportive community and a place to escape the chaos of college, I highly recommend giving GLOW a try. Trust me, you won't regret it! 

Anyah, Studio Admin


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